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When Is It Time to Cross the Rainbow Bridge?

May 07, 2019

The toughest question in any pet parent's life is: "When is it time to cross the Rainbow Bridge?"

The parting is tough because our friendships are full of unconditional love and unwavering loyalty. We are no strangers to the emotional toll it takes on families and our pets when the time has come to say goodbye to our best friends.

We would like to take the time today to let our clients know that we offer our complete euthanasia services to take place in the comfort of your home. This eases the stress on pets and their families when spending those last moments together. The at-home setting can alleviate anxiety and provide privacy by removing a busy clinic setting. Feel free to give us a call and ask about details for in-office or at-home services. This list may help you make your decision on what's best for you and your loved ones.

Items to consider when approaching euthanasia:

Of course, ask your veterinarian any questions you have about your pet's course of treatment and options available to you. Do not hesitate to have the discussion.

  • Does your veterinary team recommend euthanasia?
  • What is the most important aspect in your pet's end-of-life care?
  • Would you consider this procedure if your pet was in pain and acting unlike themselves?
  • Remember how your pet looked and acted at the beginning of your time together. Is there a noticeable change?
  • Will your pet's condition improve with time?
  • Mark good days and bad on a calendar. This can show if the good days outweigh the bad.
  • Make a list of your pet's favorite activities. Is your pet still able to enjoy these things?
  • Are there financial limitations on available treatments?
  • Is hospice care an option? Or has it run its course?
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